We had a introductory lecture to introduce us to ideas in relation to words such as authenticity. We learnt that content is just as important as what the site will look like as it makes it more genuine and realistic.
We met with the client from lux. He told us all about the background of lux and what their direction for the light show is. This will all hopefully help us to design a well suited website.
We also had a look at everyone's website screenshots and discussed how they are either a good or bad website and how it shows authenticity. It was interesting to see how some companies integrated their product in their website such as packaging and imagery, or use subtle thing such as sound to help engage people with the website (e.g. Whittakers website included snapping chocolate sounds when you hover over their buttons to re-introduce the experience of eating their chocolate). This was a good exercise to help us start thinking on how we can approach our website.
We began to generate words that we think sums up Lux's essence.
-Fomo (The fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great)
With these words in mind, we can start building our mood-boards.
- Sarah, Rebecca
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