Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Updated Mobile Screenshots

Grid Breakpoints


-For our mobile layout of our Home, the grid will halve and turn into a one column grid.
-The footer remains the same for every page.
-There is a drop down navigation menu on every page and also an arrow on the side appears to let the user go right back to the top without having to scroll up everytime.

-The map page is a one column grid like the home page.
-Has no interactive map as the mobile is aimed at people at the event wanting more information.
-Has the downloadable info for their mobile devices and schedule for them to see whats on that day.
-Footer remains the same

- The lightworks page grid becomes a two column grid (half of the original website 4 column grid).
-The images are still clickable and come up with a pop up that the user can exit out of or click the arrow to the next one.
-Footer remains the same

- The social media also has a similar two column grid to the lightworks and maintains its original website functions.
-Footer remains the same


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